Ise Grand Shrine Purple Goshuincho

Ise Grand Shrine Geku Goshuincho Front

Ise Grand Shrine Purple Goshuincho When: April 29, 2017 Where: Ise Grand Shrine Geku and Naiku Size: Small (11.5cm x 16cm)   I was determined to get a goshuincho from Ise Grand Shrine when I finally visited. The first stop we made was Geku. This goshuincho is the simplest in my collection. Other than the usual goshuincho written on the label, there’s no writing or fancy illustrations on the front or back covers. It’s covered completely by a woven tiled pattern of the Ise Grand Shrine symbol. This goshuincho was 1000 yen plus 300 for the goshuin for Geku. This…

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Gosha Shrine / Suwa Shrine

– Gosha Shrine / Suwa Shrine -五社神社/諏訪神社– Hamamatsu (浜松) – October 21, 2017   Gosha Shrine / Suwa Shrine is a nice sized shrine in Hamamatsu in Shizuoka Prefecture. There used to be two separate shrines, but they merged in 1960. It’s not a very far walk from Hamamatsu Station. I visit Hamamatsu every year for the big Zen Nihon Iaido Renmei Taikai. This year I decided to go a bit early on Saturday so I could visit a shrine or two before the banquet. It was raining pretty hard, so I only went to one: Gosha Shrine / Suwa…

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Kasuga Shrine (Seki)

Kasuga Shrine Goshuin

– Kasuga Shrine – 春日大社 – Seki(関市) – October 8, 2017   Kasuga Shrine is a medium sized shrine in Seki located next to the Sword Tradition Museum. It is a swordsmithing shrine that was built in 1590. I went to the Seki Hamono Matsuri (Seki Cutlery Festival) to buy myself a nice cooking knife and to have fun. While there, I dropped by the shrine.  On that day, they also had an exhibit of old clothes and masks that you could go inside and see. They’re old enough that everyone who went in to see had to wear a surgical…

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Tejikarao Shrine

Tejikarao Shrine goshuin

– Tejikarao Shrine – 手力雄神社 – Kakamigahara (各務原市) – August 26, 2017   Tejikarao Shrine is one of the five major shrines in Kakamigahara. It enshrines Ame-no-Tajikarao and is associated with Ise Grand Shrine. While Oda Nobunaga was attempting to take Gifu Castle, he came through Kakamigahara with the intent of destroying everything in his path. This was a common strategy for him. However, when he was preparing to attack the shrine a strange fog blew in. It was so uncanny that Nobunaga was deeply unsettled to the point that he apologized to the gods and prayed for victory at…

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Masumida Shrine

– Masumida Jinja – 真清田神社 Ichinomiya (一宮市) – July 28, 2017   Masumida Shrine was the ichinomiya, or main shrine, of old Owari Province. It was built at least 1400 years ago and enshrines Amenoho no Akari no Mikoto. Every year in April is the Plum Festival. At this event you can see some funny yabusame and a parade. I actually learned about goshuin when I was here with some friends. The huge Tanabata Matsuri that the city if famous for is held in late July. Food stalls start at the station and extend all the way to the shrine.…

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Atsuta Shrine

– Atsuta Jingu – 熱田神宮 – Nagoya (名古屋) – April 23, 2017 Atsuta Shrine is one of the Japan’s most important Shinto shrines, second only to Ise Shrine. It was built 1900 years ago and enshrines the Sun Goddess Amaterasu. As you may be aware, Japan has Three Sacred Treasures: the sword Kusanagi, the mirror Yata no Kagami, and the jewel Yasakani no Magatama. Atsuta Shrine houses one of these three treasures: Kusanagi. Sadly you cannot see the sword. Not even the emperor can see the sword. No one has actually seen the sword since the Edo Period, but we…

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Osu Kannon

– Osu Kannon – 大須観音 – Nagoya (名古屋) – April 23, 2017   I go to the Osu Kannon area a lot for Solo Pizza and shopping. It was built during the Kamakura period in Gifu Prefecture, but it kept getting damaged by floods so Tokugawa Ieyasu moved it to Nagoya in the 1600’s. It houses a huge statue of Kannon made by Kobo Daishi, the founder of Shingon Buddhism. This goshuin is in my Inuyama Castle Goshuincho. Location

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Hachidai Hakuryuu Shrine

– Hachidai Hakuryuu Taisha – 八大白龍大社 – Kakamigahara (各務原市) – April 16, 2017   I’m not 100% sure how to read the kanji for this shrine. Despite the “taisha” in the name, it’s a smallish~medium sized shrine. It’s probably read one of these three ways: Hachidai Hakuryuu Taisha Hatsuta Hakuryuu Taisha Yahiro Hakuryuu Taisha Last year I visited this shrine for the fireworks at the big Ogase Hanabi Taikai. It was crazy crowded and dark and I didn’t really get to see much. When I arrived, I was surprised to see so many people. I wanted to take more photos…

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Haritsuna Shrine

– Haritsuna Jinja – 針綱神社 – Inuyama (犬山市) – April 12, 2017   Haritsuna Shrine is one of the shrines located at the base of Inuyama Castle. I’ve read it as Harimo and Haritsuna Shrine so I’m at a loss for how to read the kanji. I got my hamaya, a kind of good luck charm, here in 2018. This goshuin is in my Inuyama Castle Goshuincho.

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