Ginkaku-ji/Jisho-ji Goshuin

Ginkaku-ji / Jisho-ji 銀閣寺・慈照寺 Kyoto (美濃加茂市) March 27, 2022 About Ginkaku-ji Ginkaku-ji, also known as the Silver Pavilion in English, is the more common name for Jisho-ji. It is a Rinzai sect Zen temple on the east side of Kyoto. The temple was built during the Muromachi Period by Ashikaga Yoshimasa as a retirement villa. Some people hear the name and immediately think of the shinier, more famous Kinkaku-ji, but it is a different temple entirely, though there is a connection. Kinkaku-ji was built by Yoshimasa’s grandfather and he used it as a model for his Ginkaku-ji My Visit Like…