Sanko Inari Shrine

– Sanko Inari Shrine – 三光稲荷神社 Inuyama (犬山市) – April 12, 2017 Sanko Inari Shrine is one of the three shrines at the base of Inuyama Castle. It’s extremely popular. This was the very first Goshuin I received. I love Inuyama Castle and after learning about goshuin and goshuincho I knew I really wanted a goshuincho from one of the shrines at the base of Inuyama Castle. This goshuin is in my Inuyama Castle Goshuincho.

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Inuyama Castle Goshuincho

Inuyama goshuincho

Inuyama Castle Goshuincho   When: April 12, 2017 Where: Sarutahiko Shrine and Sanko Inari Shrine Size: Small (11.5cm x 16cm)   My Inuyama Castle goshuincho was the first goshuincho I ever bought. It was 1000 yen plus 300  yen for two goshuin and it came with a plastic cover. I live nearish to Inuyama Castle and its one of my favorite things in the area. So when I saw the goshuincho with the image of Inuyama Castle on it I knew I wanted it to be my first goshuincho. I will own others in the future, but this one will…

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