– Hachidai Hakuryuu Taisha – 八大白龍大社 –
Kakamigahara (各務原市) – April 16, 2017
I’m not 100% sure how to read the kanji for this shrine. Despite the “taisha” in the name, it’s a smallish~medium sized shrine. It’s probably read one of these three ways:
Hachidai Hakuryuu Taisha
Hatsuta Hakuryuu Taisha
Yahiro Hakuryuu Taisha
Last year I visited this shrine for the fireworks at the big Ogase Hanabi Taikai. It was crazy crowded and dark and I didn’t really get to see much.
When I arrived, I was surprised to see so many people. I wanted to take more photos of the shrine, but there were too many people milling about.
It turns out that today was a special day at the shrine: it was the one day of the year people can enter the back of the shrine and see the preserved white snake enshrined within. I’m still kind of shocked by how lucky I was! It’s not every day you can enter a shrine and see that sort of thing. Sadly, it’s not the sort of thing you can take photos of.
This goshuin is in my Inuyama Castle Goshuincho.

Small shrine in the middle of the lake.