Nihon San Dai Kumano (Kumano Kotai Shrine) (Gunma Side)

Kumano Kotai Jinja

– Kumano Kotai Shrine – 熊野皇大神社- Karuizawa (軽井沢) – July 22, 2022 Kumano Kotai Shrine is one of the many shrines located along the Nakasendo Highway connecting Kyoto and Tokyo. Built right on the border between modern day Nagano Prefecture and Gunma Prefecture, you can straddle the border and literally be in both prefectures at once. There’s even a plate set into the ground marking the line. We had a good time hopping back and forth across the line. There are several goshuin available at this shrine. This is one of the special ones available on the Gunma Prefecture side…

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Kumano Shrine (Kumano Kotai Shrine) (Gunma Side)

  – Kumano Shrine – 熊野神社- Karuizawa (軽井沢) – July 22, 2022 Kumano Kotai Shrine is one of the many shrines located along the Nakasendo Highway connecting Kyoto and Tokyo. Built right on the border between modern day Nagano Prefecture and Gunma Prefecture, you can straddle the border and literally be in both prefectures at once. There’s even a plate set into the ground marking the line. There are several goshuin available at this shrine. This is the basic goshuin for the Gunma Prefecture side of the shrine located near the entrance. The center part in black says “Kumano Shrine”…

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Kotoku-ji – Enmei Jizo Goshuin (Tsumago Juku)

Kotoku-ji – 光徳寺Tsumago(妻籠) – August 13, 2020 Many people come to Japan for Kyoto to experience the old buildings and history of Japan, but one place I recommend visiting is the old post town, Tsumago Juku, that was one of many stops along the Nakasendo that connected Kyoto and Tokyo. The old style of the town is carefully preserved, so it feels as if you’ve stepped back in time to the Edo period of Japan. Kotoku-ji is a temple located in Tsumago. Me being me, I had to stop my husband when I saw the temple to see if we…

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Kotoku-ji – Yakushinyorai (Tsumago Juku)

Kotoku-ji – 光徳寺Tsumago(妻籠) – August 23, 2020   Many people come to Japan for Kyoto to experience the old buildings and history of Japan, but one place I recommend visiting is the old post town, Tsumago Juku, that was one of many stops along the Nakasendo that connected Kyoto and Tokyo. The old style of the town is carefully preserved, so it feels as if you’ve stepped back in time to the Edo period of Japan. Kotoku-ji is a temple located in Tsumago. Me being me, I had to stop my husband when I saw the temple to see if…

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Kotoku-ji – Ebisu Goshuin (Tsumago Juku)

Kotoku-ji – 光徳寺Tsumago(妻籠) – August 23, 2020 Many people come to Japan for Kyoto to experience the old buildings and history of Japan, but one place I recommend visiting is the old post town, Tsumago Juku, that was one of many stops along the Nakasendo that connected Kyoto and Tokyo. The old style of the town is carefully preserved, so it feels as if you’ve stepped back in time to the Edo period of Japan. Kotoku-ji is a temple located in Tsumago. Me being me, I had to stop my husband when I saw the temple to see if we…

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Kinjo-ji (Inami)

– Kinjo-ji – 金城寺- Nanto(南砺市) – March 21, 2020 Kinjo-ji was a lucky find on our way to Toyama. While at the rest stop in Johana, I mentioned on a whim it’d be nice to get my first goshuin from Toyama Prefecture. My husband pulled out his phone and this cute goshuin was one of the top goshuin in the prefecture. Isn’t it cute? This temple is a very small, intimate temple. Outside the temple is a small nadebotoke, a statue of Buddha that you rub to cure illnesses. When you go inside, you’re greeted by a nice lady. Unlike…

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Inami Betsuin Zuisen-ji

– Inami Betsuin Zuisen-ji – 井波別院瑞泉寺- Nanto(南砺市) – March 21, 2020 Inami Betsuin Zuisen-ji was a lucky find on our way to Toyama. While at the rest stop in Johana, I mentioned on a whim it’d be nice to get my first goshuin from Toyama Prefecture. A short search found some temples a short drive away. We ended up finding a treasure. Inami is a region of Toyama Prefecture that is famous for its elaborate wood carvings. Their depth makes them seem to leap out from waves and plants. The local temple, too, is decorated with such elaborate wood sculptures.…

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Sanzen-in: Amida Sanzon (Kyoto)

Ohara (大原) – December 31, 2019 When you imagine traveling around Japan, images of trains inevitably arise. And yes, you can get to many of Japan’s most famous sites easily by train. However, some truly beautiful locations can be easily reached only by bus or car. Sanzen-in is one of those places. Sanzen-in is a lush, moss-covered temple complex in Ohara, about an hour north of Kyoto by bus. The winding pathways through the garden lead visitors to many interesting things. In the garden you can find cute stone Warabe-jizo statues, a small pond, and more as you make your…

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Sanzen-in: Honzon Yakushi Nyorai (Kyoto)

When you imagine traveling around Japan, images of trains inevitably arise. And yes, you can get to many of Japan’s most famous sites easily by train. However, some truly beautiful locations can be easily reached only by bus or car. Sanzen-in is one of those places. Sanzen-in is a lush, moss-covered temple complex in Ohara, about an hour north of Kyoto by bus. The winding pathways through the garden lead visitors to many interesting things. In the garden you can find cute stone Warabe-jizo statues, a small pond, and more as you make your way to the various temples. It…

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Sanzen-in: Shou Kannon (Kyoto)

Ohara (大原) – December 31, 2019 When you imagine traveling around Japan, images of trains inevitably arise. And yes, you can get to many of Japan’s most famous sites easily by train. However, some truly beautiful locations can be easily reached only by bus or car. Sanzen-in is one of those places. Sanzen-in is a lush, moss-covered temple complex in Ohara, about an hour north of Kyoto by bus. The winding pathways through the garden lead visitors to many interesting things. In the garden you can find cute stone Warabe-jizo statues, a small pond, and more as you make your…

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