Hachidai Hakuryuu Shrine

– Hachidai Hakuryuu Taisha – 八大白龍大社 – Kakamigahara (各務原市) – April 16, 2017 I’m not 100% sure how to read the kanji for this shrine. Despite the “taisha” in the name, it’s a smallish~medium sized shrine. It’s probably read one of these three ways: Hachidai Hakuryuu Taisha Hatsuta Hakuryuu Taisha Yahiro Hakuryuu Taisha Last year I visited this shrine for the fireworks at the big Ogase Hanabi Taikai. It was crazy crowded and dark and I didn’t really get to see much. When I arrived, I was surprised to see so many people. I wanted to take more photos…