– Tejikarao Shrine – 手力雄神社 –
Kakamigahara (各務原市) – August 26, 2017
Tejikarao Shrine is one of the five major shrines in Kakamigahara. It enshrines Ame-no-Tajikarao and is associated with Ise Grand Shrine.
While Oda Nobunaga was attempting to take Gifu Castle, he came through Kakamigahara with the intent of destroying everything in his path. This was a common strategy for him. However, when he was preparing to attack the shrine a strange fog blew in. It was so uncanny that Nobunaga was deeply unsettled to the point that he apologized to the gods and prayed for victory at this shrine.
As a result of his victory in taking Gifu Castle, he showed his gratitude to the gods by repairing, expanding, and protecting the shrine after this incident.
We were particularly lucky when we visited. There was a group of men preparing firework shoots for an upcoming matsuri. One of the guys suggested we come watch a little. It looks like a lot of hard work.
This goshuin is in my Inuyama Castle Goshuincho.
- Tejikarao Shrine shishi
- Tejikarao Shrine from the side
- Roof detail of Tejikarao Shrine
- Tejikarao Shrine
- Tejikarao Shrine’s torii
- Tejikarao Shrine Flag