– Heian Jingu – 平安神宮 –
Kyoto (京都) – May 4, 2017
Compared to many shrines in Kyoto, Heian Shrine is new. It was built in 1895 on the 1100th anniversary of Kyoto becoming the old capitol.
Every May and June the iaido taikai are held across the street in the Miyakomesse. On my way to the taikai, I always see the massive torii, but I never took the time to visit Heian Shrine, but this year I did.
The grounds are massive and all what white stuff is gravel. I don’t recommend taking your rolling suitcase with you like I did.
This goshuin is in my Inuyama Castle Goshuincho.
- Heian Shrine
- Heian Shrine’s Ceiling
- Ema and Omikuji
- Heian Shrine’s Entrance
- Heian Shrine Torii
- Roofs of some side buildings